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We interviewed Anvik Huerta, the Modern Languages and Interculturality Mayor at the Univeristy of La Salle Oaxaca, to learn more about how they used Kotobee to improve their learning materials and engage their students.

The Challenge

Tell us about yourself and the nature of your work.

I am Anvik, the current coordinator of the Modern Languages and Interculturality Mayor program at the University of La Salle Oaxaca. My responsibilities include overseeing the publication of our digital books for the Mixtec and Zapotec languages.

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What challenges did you face prior to using Kotobee?

As a university, we have been publishing our own textbooks, and our recent challenge was to make them more interactive by adding audio to these texts. Given that our books were initially created in PDF format, we had a lot of difficulties when attempting to add any form of media to them. Fortunately, we came across Kotobee. It allowed us to convert our texts into a more user-friendly format and add other essential features, including audio files.

“There were many important features that we needed, and Kotobee was the only platform that provided them. For example, the ebooks we created using Kotobee Author can be easily integrated into the various platforms we use at the university.”

The Solution

What potential solutions did you explore that didn't work out?

The engineer in charge of this project suggested several programs, such as Apple Pages and Adobe InDesign. However, Kotobee was the only tool that was fully compatible with our learning management system and the other platforms we use on Campus.

How did you hear about Kotobee?

After exploring a few options that didn’t work, we decided to conduct a thorough Google search to find suitable software for editing our books. This is when we discovered Kotobee and found that it offers all the features we were looking for.

What drove you to choose Kotobee?

There were many important features that we needed, and Kotobee was the only platform that provided them. For example, the ebooks we created using Kotobee Author can be easily integrated into the various platforms we use at the university.

We also like the fact that we can easily change the formats of any of our ebooks to adapt to our different needs. In our particular case, Kotobee allowed us to add audio content to our ebooks which significantly enhanced the quality of our educational materials and improved the learning experience for our students.

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The Results

Is there a specific aspect of your ebook that you are particularly proud of?

We are glad that our textbooks are no longer just ordinary PDFs; they now have features that our students can interact with. These features, such as videos and audio, enhance the teaching process and make learning more engaging.

The Future

What are your plans for the future?

Our plan for the near future is to focus on improving our students’ language acquisition by using Kotobee. We plan on doing this by adding more multimedia content and interactive features to our textbooks. We also plan to continue editing more of our existing ebooks to ensure they are compatible with our platforms. This will help us in distributing them to more users.

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