The Challenge
Tell us about yourself and the nature of your work.
I’m the Head of Product Development at SCA. I lead the development of our LXP, determine what goes on the roadmap, and ensure that our customers' requirements are met.
What challenges did you face prior to using Kotobee?
Students weren’t able to highlight any parts of the reading material. They also couldn’t share notes or have them synced between different devices. Besides, we weren’t able to view our current students’ data, nor manage their permissions to certain courses.
What potential solutions did you explore which didn't work out?
We have tried using PDF editing tools, but it didn’t work very well as we needed more complex features that weren’t available in those tools.

“Kotobee has helped us to easily integrate our courses material directly into our learning platform using the LTI tool in Kotobee Author.”
The Solution
How did you hear about Kotobee?
Our educational materials supplier mentioned Kotobee to us and what it can do and we were instantly hooked.
What drove you to choose Kotobee?
At SCA, we provide course participants with course material on our own learning platform. This content includes reading materials in the form of interactive ebooks. When we first tried Kotobee, we found that its functionality meets our needs. Moreover, Kotobee has helped us to easily integrate our courses material directly into our learning platform using the LTI tool in Kotobee Author.
Is there a specific aspect of your ebook that you are particularly proud of?
It’s great that we can add links for downloading PDF files and other resources directly inside the ebook. This makes it easier for the students to download them without the need to open any external sources. This results in fewer media breaks during the learning process.
We also like that it’s possible to include exercises and quizzes inside the ebooks, which makes it more interactive and engaging for our students. This way, the ebook becomes a learning portfolio where all the learning material needed by the students is saved.

The Results
What metrics do you use to measure the success of your decisions? Has Kotobee affected those in any way?
We use surveys to measure the satisfaction of our students using our ebooks. Here’s some feedback from our students: "We can now finally access our notes from anywhere," "The search and table of contents functions allow us to avoid some additional steps. They are therefore useful to save time," and "With the text to speech option, I can hear the book while driving in the car."
What are your plans for the future?
We would like to utilize Kotobee in converting all of our learning content into interactive ebooks in the near future.