The Challenge
Tell us about yourself and the nature of your work.
I am Nagi Saeed, Learning Technologist at AIF. I am responsible for developing online courses and providing learning technology guidance for all AIF students.
What challenges did you face prior to using Kotobee?
Prior to creating ebooks using Kotobee, we used to print all of our workbooks. In addition to the environmental cost of printing, there were a lot of storage and stock management challenges that were associated with the printing process. The workbooks were also bulky which made it inconvenient to carry while traveling.

What potential solutions did you explore which didn't work out?
We considered providing the course workbooks to students in PDF format. We also considered other ebook authoring tools, which were either not available on all platforms or financially unsuitable. We found in Kotobee all the features we needed to enhance the elearning process for our students, such as the interactivity of the ebooks and the ability to update the learning material easily and at any time.
“Kotobee ticked all the boxes and met all our requirements, and it was a good fit from a financial point of view.”
The Solution
How did you hear about Kotobee?
Kotobee reached out to us a few years ago; however, it was not the right time for the AIF to make the move to an electronic workbook. But when we finally decided to switch to ebooks, Kotobee was the first tool to come to our minds.
What drove you to choose Kotobee?
Kotobee ticked all the boxes and met all our requirements, and it was a good fit for us from a financial point of view.
Is there a specific aspect of your ebook that you are particularly proud of?
At AIF, we take great pride in the quality of our learning content, and we’re planning on making it more engaging by utilizing Kotobee’s interactive features.

The Results
What metrics do you use to measure the success of your decisions? Has Kotobee affected those in any way?
Course completion, as well as student engagement and feedback about the usability of the learning content, are some of the metrics that we consider.
The Future
What are your project’s plans for the future?
We plan to integrate Kotobee with the AIF’s IGNITE Learning Platform using the LTI, which should deliver a seamless user experience to AIF students.