Harvard University
Yale University
University of Minnesota
University of Missouri

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Export your book widgets to more than 12 different ebook formats, including mobile apps. Explore all export formats.

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Smart preview

Emulate an interactive version of your ebook app on more than 20 different devices.

popup image popup image Smart preview

A simple workflow

Create new content, or import from PDF, Word, HTML, or EPUB. Add interactive content to your page.

Create new content, or import from PDF, Word, HTML, or EPUB. Add interactive content to your page.

Customize the ebook interface and functionality. Add your brand. Preview on more than 40 different devices.

Customize the ebook interface and functionality. Add your brand. Preview on more than 40 different devices.

Export to more than 12 different formats, or immediately host online using Kotobee Cloud.

Export to more than 12 different formats, or immediately host online using <a href="%url%">Kotobee Cloud</a>.

Control user access to your ebooks, and manage your Kotobee Cloud account. Track mobile app builds.

Control user access to your ebooks, and manage your <a href="%url%">Kotobee Cloud</a> account. Track mobile app builds.

Create new content, or import from PDF, Word, HTML, or EPUB. Add interactive content to your page.


Customize the ebook interface and functionality. Add your brand. Preview on more than 40 different devices.


Export to more than 12 different formats, or immediately host online using Kotobee Cloud.


Control user access to your ebooks, and manage your Kotobee Cloud account. Track mobile app builds.

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